"stop volunteering for shit!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yup, I'm sick.
Got the cough, runny, blocked ears, congested. all around, sick.
It glorious, but really not. I've been sleeping a lot in the last few days because I want to get better as soon as possible.

So the other night, i think it was Friday, my suite mates had some people over for a little Reunion so i joined them in some drinking. I ended up having a heated argument with one of the guys about abortion. Which is never a good idea because it can get very emotional. Which it did. This had started a few days before where he brought it up just randomly. This kid likes to get a rise out of people, i don't understand it, and it pisses me off. So back to the argument, we were both drunk and were set in our ways and he wasn't listening to me at all, and this argument wasn't going anywhere so i left the room, slammed the door, went to my room and slammed that door too. I've decided to just not bring up this subject again with him. I can't avoid him at all because he is in my group of friends and he is in clubs that I am in also. I don't hate him or anything, i just hate his views on some things.

once i am not sick anymore, i have to visit that gym more, gotta get some exercise. I've felt like a bum lately.

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