"stop volunteering for shit!"

Thursday, March 29, 2007

NyQuil rocks

So I'm running for Vice President of my class('09) and i just assumed that no one was going to run against me because I hadn't heard from anyone that there was. But today I found out that someone who has never even been on SGA is going to run for Vice Pres of '09 also. This adds to my stress level a little bit. I'm gonna start making posters and such this weekend. I'm going really try for this because I think i should win this position and if i don't, i won't be on SGA next year because someone is running for a '09 position next year. My plan to put up posters all over campus and make my name be known.

I'm getting better also. Not much coughing and not much runny nose either. I'm still not 100% but this is a lot better than i was a few days ago. Thank you NyQuil.

I'm dropping a class tomorrow. It requires a practicum that needs to be completed by the end of april and I won't be able to do that; it will cause too much stress. It doesn't fill any requirements, it is an intro class and I just wanted to see if I wanted to change to that major. I don't so I'm just going to drop it to prevent more stress about the practicum.

Other than school, things are fine.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yup, I'm sick.
Got the cough, runny, blocked ears, congested. all around, sick.
It glorious, but really not. I've been sleeping a lot in the last few days because I want to get better as soon as possible.

So the other night, i think it was Friday, my suite mates had some people over for a little Reunion so i joined them in some drinking. I ended up having a heated argument with one of the guys about abortion. Which is never a good idea because it can get very emotional. Which it did. This had started a few days before where he brought it up just randomly. This kid likes to get a rise out of people, i don't understand it, and it pisses me off. So back to the argument, we were both drunk and were set in our ways and he wasn't listening to me at all, and this argument wasn't going anywhere so i left the room, slammed the door, went to my room and slammed that door too. I've decided to just not bring up this subject again with him. I can't avoid him at all because he is in my group of friends and he is in clubs that I am in also. I don't hate him or anything, i just hate his views on some things.

once i am not sick anymore, i have to visit that gym more, gotta get some exercise. I've felt like a bum lately.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So the word for this week would be overwhelmed.

Coming back to school after having a really nice and relaxing weak was horrible. So many things are happening at once that i don't know achieve them all.
Advising just started so I have to talk to my advisor, talk to my Expanding Horizons person.
I have to figure out what I want to do this summer, I was thinking of possibly staying in fitchburg to work and hopefully take some classes. It would be nice because I would be making money, I wouldn't have to pay for housing and I wouldn't have to worry about transfering credits. But what isn't nice about it is I wouldn't be able to spend the summer with my mom, I would have a limited time that I could take classes which limits classes I can take, there are a lot of hours.

Also I have tests coming up, many events that I am involved in planning, a huge presentation that needs to be A quality that I need to start working on.
I also have to continue filling out applications (another scholorship and for EHP mentor)

I have just been drained every day. I was very tired coming to school and I am still not rested up. Then friends have been naging me about hanging out with them and complaing that I never have time, which I don't. I usually only get to hang out and see people within my clubs and activities so it is hard to find time to hang out with the people outside of them.
I love school a lot but one thing about it that I am horrible at and don't like doing because of that aspect is writing papers. I cannot put thoughts together and make them sound good. My papers are always all over the place. I have never been good at it and I wish I was better. I can never think of words when I want to use them also.

I really cannot wait until next year when I am living in a townhouse. I will have my own single room. I like having a roommate but I also like being able to just get dressed and not worry about someone else coming in. Also some people in my suite are very loud at times. I know on weekends people are always loud when they get some drink in them but these girls are loud all the time and they are very sober. I just don't like hearing it all the time. It's just getting irritating.

Here is a picture from spring break:

That was taken right before we went to eat Chinese food with Allison's grandmother.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

so my spring break has been amazing!
i went to Florida with Beth to stay at her friends grandmas house. We went to Miami beach, the beach in Del ray and we went to the bar. It was a great week that was filled with much needed relaxation and also some drinking at night. I got a tan and a little burned. But i knew that was going to happen.
Right now I'm sitting in the west palm beach airport waiting for my plane to leave. I really don't want this to end. I've had so much fun and don't want it to end! I was supposed to be back on Friday but the humongous amount of snow cancelled my flight. Which meant 2 more days of sunshine.
I never went to sleep last night either. BAH! I have to drive from Albany to home and then home to school right after. I may just sleep at home and get up early in the morning to drive back to school. But i also don't like the idea of getting up early.
this week is going to suck. I'm going to be in such a bad mood because of the cold and because I'm burnt a little bit.
I also will be going to the gym hardcore so that I can look extra good in my new bathing suit this summer. hell yeaa.

[EDIT] 6:17pm It is never a good idea to pull an all nighter before flying home. I am exhausted!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

almost there...

SO I spent this weekend at my cousin's house. I picked up my mom on friday in worcester so she could enjoy the weekend with us also.
On friday my my cousin Suzanne, her husband Geoff, their son Tyler, my cousin Paul, his girlfriend Kaitlin, my aunt Linda, my mom and me ate dinner at Suzanne and Geoffs house. It was a great time. I havent seen all of them in a long time. I haven't seen my mom in about 3 weeks also so it was nice to see her.
Today I helped my cousin clean some of her basement out, I helped her carry the heavy stuff up the stairs because she is pregnant and gets tired easily. We did a lot and I was definitly tired afterwards.

Then I came home, took a shower and hung out with Yajaira. We decided to go to blockbuster and rent a dvd. We decided on Dane Cook's Tourgasum. Then i saw the 2 dvds for $20 and I had to do it. I ended up buying Saw III and Jackass 2. Two very different movies, but i love them. We watched Tourgasum, It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It was more behind the scenes and not much about the stand up. One of the episodes was at Fitchburg and I saw people that I go to school with on there which was exciting. But Yajaira and I turned it off and watched some tv instead of watching more episodes.
I have to stop spending money. I only have about $300 for florda, hopefully i won't spend it all while i'm there. I do get my packcheck when i get back to school but i'm scared that we will spend too much money on taxi rides or food. I haven't really traveled without my mom, so i don't really know a lot about how much a trip costs or anything. But i'm sure I will be fine. I'll be thinking about all the time what I'm spending and all that.
I'm so happy about going, its still not real to me.

Friday, March 9, 2007

It's Spring Break!

It is now Spring Break! I am so happy now! NO more tests for 2 weeks! Hell yea!

I didn't drink last night, I wanted to be all set for the midterm that I had today. I planned to just sit in my room and listen to music and study but I decided that I wanted to go to the Beach Party in the pub.
So before the beach party started, I played pool with Nate in the gameroom. I royally suck at it but I plan to get better when I get back from break during my shifts (I work there). Then we went to the Beach Party, no one was there. Marissa and Maria were working there so I hung out with them. Also Nate and I played Battleship which was challenging because the music was so loud. We then played checkers and I beat him. I am usually horrible at it too.
Cait, Lauren C. and LB and Meg showed up drunk; it was quite amuzing.
I left with them after a while to walk back to my room to start studying.
I study for a while and then decide to go to bed. Jen was also exhausted. The after a while I hear what seemed to be a heated argument. I was concerned but didn't want to get involved so i tried to sleep, nope that doesn't work.
Then after a while I hear marissa and a new man voice so I went to go check it out because I was definitly not sleeping until i heard what had happened. It was Marissa, Scott and this kid Andy from mara 7. Marissa told me who and what about the argument and yea, she was upset.
We hung out for a while and then they all decided they wanted to smoke so i went to bed. I fell right asleep thank god.

So after i pack I'm off to get my mom at the bus station in worcester. Then we're going to tewksbury to visit my cousin and aunt till sunday.
I'm be going home until tueday. Then i'm off till florida till friday. I'm wicked excited, I need some sun!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Old LJ

I just wanted something new and i've have had a livejournal since january of 2004. Time for a change.
It's always neat to go back and read what you have read in the past and i always laugh at myself because I used to always yell at people threw it. Yea i'll probably print some of them out so i can view them and laugh some more when i'm older.

So things have been ok. Having so many tests in a week has been stressing me out. I got one back that i had last week on tuesday and i did horrible. I thought I was going to perfrom well on that test but i guess not. Studying has never been my thing.
I only have one more test on friday and then i'm outta here. I'll be picking up mom in the bes station in worcester around 5ish and heading to my aunts house for a few days

I am very excited for next week. Beth and I are heading down to West Palm Beach, FL to stay at her friend's grandmother's house. All I plan to do is relax, read a book, maybe do some sudoku and also try to get some color in my skin. It has been wicked cold this week and it is making me even more excited. I also haven't seen beth in a long time.

I need to wax my eyebrows, they're getting bad.