"stop volunteering for shit!"

Saturday, May 19, 2007

rain, rain, go away

So now i'm done with spring semester, I got a 3.0 for the semester. I could of gotten higher but i got a 2.0 in one of my classes so it brought it down. But I am so happy for what I got, i worked hard this semester and it paid off.
I start summer classes this monday. I'm taking Cultural Anthropology and Adolescent Psychology at Westfield State. They're night classes so this week I plan to try to find a part time day job. I hopefully will hear from the rec center about the camp counseler job in july.

Everything else is good, I tried a relationship, it didn't work out. We both found out we're different people that want different things and of course it wouldn't work to start a relationship this summer when we live an hour away. I'm stressed out enough anyways, I try to eliminate it as much as possible. I like being single anyways; I don't have to worry about anyone or have anyone worrying about me, I can do whatever I want and I can focus on my studies. College relationships are dumb anyways, many don't last and are never that serious.

My cousin's graduation was today! It was cold and a little rainy but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Former presidents Bill Clinton and George H. Bush gave speeches. It was a great experiance. Bill Clinton is a great speaker and I was very impressed with his connection to the crowd. He was very inspirational, I wish our current president was even close to that, maybe more people would like him.

I love the new Tivo commercials, with the people with the anntenais, they're are so hilarious. I don't know why I find them so funny, no one else seems to think so but I love little cute commercials like that. Some commercials these days are really funny!

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