"stop volunteering for shit!"

Thursday, May 3, 2007

13 days left

I found out today that I got the job as a peer mentor for Expanding Horizons at my school. I am so excited! I will be mentoring about 30 incoming freshman and transfers. I wanted this job really bad because I get to come to school early in the fall, I get paid for that and there are events during the year that i will be required to go to but I will be paid while at them! It is going to be a great experiance and it will also look great on my resumae. YAY!

I had my first final today for my Intro to Human Services class, I studied hard for it and the test itself wasn't that hard. I hope i did well because the questions felt easy. Maybe I will be wrong but I hope not , i need a good GPA this semester to continuingly bring my overal GPA up. The only thing I have left to do in that class is the 6 hours for practicum on saturday and have my supervisor fill out the papers. I was concerned that I wouldn't finish my practicum on time.

I'm going home right after the practicum on saturday to pretty much bring half of my stuff home, maybe more if there is room in my car. Last year I was very close to not being able to fit everything in my car. The whole ride home, I couldn't see out my back window. SO, i plann to not have that happen this year.

Everything else is going fine, everyone is starting to get agitated with each other; people are tired and stressed out so no one wants to deal with one another's crap. I plann to drink some tonight to releave some stress. I am also going to get some work done before I go out or start drinking.

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