"stop volunteering for shit!"

Monday, May 28, 2007

Paper City

I didn't really do anything this weekend.
I saw jen and we caught up on everything. We also watched Because I said so with Diane Keaton, it was cute but not the best movie.
But thats it, so different than at school, no drinking or staying up late with friends, its relaxing because I get some sleep but it also feels a little boring.
I am going to hang out with Brandon next weekend and also catch up with him and hopefully do some drinking. I miss those times in the summer where we used to get hammered and have the best of times. Hopefully we will relive that.

Honestly I have come to realize that I love being single. That small amount of sue-do relationship that I had made me think a lot when it was over. I used to be sad that I had been single for so long but now I realize why. I like being my own independent person. I rather focus my energy on school and activities that will affect my future help me in the long run. School has always been important to me but in college it has increased even more, I want to do the best I can and I think being in a relationship and its demands will steer me away from that.
So what I'm getting at is I'm not going to be looking for anything until after college. I mean if someone comes my way and I find that this person is perfect for me, I won't totally turn it down but I won't be alooking.
I'm going to have fun while I can.

Friday, May 25, 2007

summer summer

i feel really relieved right now!
i went from having no job for the summer to be totally set. I applied for a summer camp counselor position at the recreation center in Northampton of which i used to attend every summer when i was little and I got it. That doesn't start until the beginning of July. But now I'm babysitting the kids next door to me a couple days a week which is nice. It works out because they only need me for a couple of weeks and then I'm right into the counselor position and when that ends i have training for the peer mentor program at Fitchburg.
I am also taking 2 night classes right now to catch up until the end of June. So I'm quite busy during the week. I'm still unpacking my stuff from school, i hate it.
I'm looking forward to seeing friends too. I'm seeing an old friend tonight to catch up on things.
alright I'm out

Saturday, May 19, 2007

rain, rain, go away

So now i'm done with spring semester, I got a 3.0 for the semester. I could of gotten higher but i got a 2.0 in one of my classes so it brought it down. But I am so happy for what I got, i worked hard this semester and it paid off.
I start summer classes this monday. I'm taking Cultural Anthropology and Adolescent Psychology at Westfield State. They're night classes so this week I plan to try to find a part time day job. I hopefully will hear from the rec center about the camp counseler job in july.

Everything else is good, I tried a relationship, it didn't work out. We both found out we're different people that want different things and of course it wouldn't work to start a relationship this summer when we live an hour away. I'm stressed out enough anyways, I try to eliminate it as much as possible. I like being single anyways; I don't have to worry about anyone or have anyone worrying about me, I can do whatever I want and I can focus on my studies. College relationships are dumb anyways, many don't last and are never that serious.

My cousin's graduation was today! It was cold and a little rainy but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Former presidents Bill Clinton and George H. Bush gave speeches. It was a great experiance. Bill Clinton is a great speaker and I was very impressed with his connection to the crowd. He was very inspirational, I wish our current president was even close to that, maybe more people would like him.

I love the new Tivo commercials, with the people with the anntenais, they're are so hilarious. I don't know why I find them so funny, no one else seems to think so but I love little cute commercials like that. Some commercials these days are really funny!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tomorrow is Spree Day at Fitchburg State College. It includes the last day of classes and lost of students drinking. It also includes state police, campus police and Fitchburg police. I definitly will be drinking that day but not seriously until after my test at 2pm. I need a good grade on this test for me to do well for my overall grade. I am retaking two previous tests and I plan to do well for those also. I'm interested to see what the campus will look tomorrow becasue last year I pretty much stayed in the whole time because it was raining. Tomorrow is supossed to be wonderful weather; with sunny skies and 84 degree weather. It will be fun to watch others be arressted for dumb things, it always happens.

I am still really excited and amazed to be a peer mentor for the Expanding Horizons program. I really wanted to be one and I am finally one. I will be able to help other people and I love that. I want to give back to what has helped me so greatly. Plus it pays so I'll have some money in my pocket for the begining of next year. I will also have jobs during the year to help my small gameroom paychecks.

I can't believe that I will be leaving here in about a week. I can't believe that in about a week, I have to pack up my stuff and put it all in my car. my room will be all white again. wow. This year has been amazing. My life has changed a lot this year too and I'm excited for more changed next year. I hope there are going to improvments too not only in my life but also at my school because there are a lot of aspects that need to be improved. There seems to be interest at SGA to improv things and I hope that everyone follows through on their interest.

As for the summer, I'm pretty excited. I'll hopefully be working and I will be taking classes in the begining. I will be very busey but it won't be any different than being at fitchburg. It will be sad, being away from my friends. I'll be missing them a lot but I hopefully will be visiting them during the summer. I'm going to be visiting marissa at fitchburg a lot because i will miss her and the school. I'm excited to see the changes that are going to be happening at the school before the fall.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

13 days left

I found out today that I got the job as a peer mentor for Expanding Horizons at my school. I am so excited! I will be mentoring about 30 incoming freshman and transfers. I wanted this job really bad because I get to come to school early in the fall, I get paid for that and there are events during the year that i will be required to go to but I will be paid while at them! It is going to be a great experiance and it will also look great on my resumae. YAY!

I had my first final today for my Intro to Human Services class, I studied hard for it and the test itself wasn't that hard. I hope i did well because the questions felt easy. Maybe I will be wrong but I hope not , i need a good GPA this semester to continuingly bring my overal GPA up. The only thing I have left to do in that class is the 6 hours for practicum on saturday and have my supervisor fill out the papers. I was concerned that I wouldn't finish my practicum on time.

I'm going home right after the practicum on saturday to pretty much bring half of my stuff home, maybe more if there is room in my car. Last year I was very close to not being able to fit everything in my car. The whole ride home, I couldn't see out my back window. SO, i plann to not have that happen this year.

Everything else is going fine, everyone is starting to get agitated with each other; people are tired and stressed out so no one wants to deal with one another's crap. I plann to drink some tonight to releave some stress. I am also going to get some work done before I go out or start drinking.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Its official, i'm in a relationship and I'm happy!

Semester is almost over, which means going home :(
but seeing my mom is nice and i'll be working and taking two classes.
Next semester will be amazing!
This summer will be amazing. It will be hard to, not seeing nate as much as i will want to. We'll figure it out!

I want to go rollerskating!