"stop volunteering for shit!"

Friday, April 20, 2007

01. show – Gilmore Girls
02. flower - lilacs are pretty
03. color - blue
04. sport - meh
05. mall – holyoke
06. music – today/yesterday - the beach boys
07. food – salad with lots of vegies
08. season - late spring early summer
09. day - friday
10. person - ma

01. hometown – Northampton
02. hair color - dirty blonde
03. hair length – its getting pretty long
04. hair style - some side bangs, the rest of my hair is all one length
05. eye color - blue
06. shoe size - 7 1/2
07. mood - a little annoyed but excited to go to the movies w/ jen
08. smell – wood burning
09. watching- no tv
10. eating- soo hungry!

01. have you ever been in love- nope
02. do you believe in love - it exists
03. why did your last relationship fail – it was dumb
04. have you ever been heartbroken – yes
05. have you ever broken someone's heart – don't think so
06. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends- nope
07. have you ever liked someone but never told them - yep
08. are you afraid of commitment - unsure
09. have you ever had a secret admirer – nope
10. do you believe in love at first sight – thats bullshit

01. love or money - half and half
02. hard liquor or beer - beer
04. one night stands or relationship - lets go with a happy medium....friends w/ benefits. haha i'd like a relationship
05. television or internet - internet
06. pepsi or coke – neither
07. wild night out or romantic night in- wild
08. colored or black and white pictures - colored
09. phone or in person - in person
10. aim or myspace - aim

01. have you ever been caught sneaking out- yep
02. have you ever skinny dipped - yep..a while back
03. have you ever done something you regret - i try to not regret anything
04. have you ever bungee jumped – nope
05. have you ever been on a house boat – nope
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker -not the true ones
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt – yep
08. have you ever been streaking- not fully
09. have you ever ran away - nope
10. have you ever wanted to sleep in a mall - nope, thats dumb

01. are you missing someone - yea, i miss my ma
02. are you happy? pretty much
03. are you talking to anyone right now on aim? no
04. are you bored - yes, i only do these type of things when i am bored
05. are you German - yes
06. are you Irish – yes
07. are you Japanese - no
08. are you Italian- no
09. are your parents still married – no
10. do you like someone right now- hmmmmmmm

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