"stop volunteering for shit!"

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It was so nice today. I'm so glad that it is not raining any more and it is sunny. It is supossed to get even better which is amazing.
Honors Convocation was today and I got a SGA scholorship! yay. Imediatly after, maria, eric and I went to Framingham to the SAC meeting. It was long but I liked it because I got to know more about what is going on in other colleges in massachusetts.
We talked to the SGA president of Mount Wachusett. We're probably going to something with their SGA next year. I'm excited for that.

Going to bed soon, gonna try to get some sleep tonight so i can be good tomorrow for class/work/commitee meeting. I wanted to go out tonight but I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I could of because i'm so tired. I need a decent amount of sleep. I'm going to hit the hay very soon. Probably going to sleep in marissa's room because jen needs to write a paper tonight and i want to give her as little distraction as possible.

I want to go to the movies!

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