"stop volunteering for shit!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

honestly the whole big girl pill thing is getting really old
and annoying

i'm kinda tired of it.
Hey hey hey
I have my interview today, well in less than half an hour and i'm a little nearvous. It is for a position called a peer mentor for the expanding horizons program. It is like an orientation leader but less time consuming. I think i'll do alright, i just really want the job next year!

Also Transitional dinner is tonight. I'm excited. Last year was great. It's where you transition from your old position to the new positions on Student Government. You get a gift reflecting your past year. Last year I got a mini toy tow truck because my car got towed twice last year.

Its nice out also right now. This day is going to fun, i already can feel it. :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

01. show – Gilmore Girls
02. flower - lilacs are pretty
03. color - blue
04. sport - meh
05. mall – holyoke
06. music – today/yesterday - the beach boys
07. food – salad with lots of vegies
08. season - late spring early summer
09. day - friday
10. person - ma

01. hometown – Northampton
02. hair color - dirty blonde
03. hair length – its getting pretty long
04. hair style - some side bangs, the rest of my hair is all one length
05. eye color - blue
06. shoe size - 7 1/2
07. mood - a little annoyed but excited to go to the movies w/ jen
08. smell – wood burning
09. watching- no tv
10. eating- soo hungry!

01. have you ever been in love- nope
02. do you believe in love - it exists
03. why did your last relationship fail – it was dumb
04. have you ever been heartbroken – yes
05. have you ever broken someone's heart – don't think so
06. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends- nope
07. have you ever liked someone but never told them - yep
08. are you afraid of commitment - unsure
09. have you ever had a secret admirer – nope
10. do you believe in love at first sight – thats bullshit

01. love or money - half and half
02. hard liquor or beer - beer
04. one night stands or relationship - lets go with a happy medium....friends w/ benefits. haha i'd like a relationship
05. television or internet - internet
06. pepsi or coke – neither
07. wild night out or romantic night in- wild
08. colored or black and white pictures - colored
09. phone or in person - in person
10. aim or myspace - aim

01. have you ever been caught sneaking out- yep
02. have you ever skinny dipped - yep..a while back
03. have you ever done something you regret - i try to not regret anything
04. have you ever bungee jumped – nope
05. have you ever been on a house boat – nope
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker -not the true ones
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt – yep
08. have you ever been streaking- not fully
09. have you ever ran away - nope
10. have you ever wanted to sleep in a mall - nope, thats dumb

01. are you missing someone - yea, i miss my ma
02. are you happy? pretty much
03. are you talking to anyone right now on aim? no
04. are you bored - yes, i only do these type of things when i am bored
05. are you German - yes
06. are you Irish – yes
07. are you Japanese - no
08. are you Italian- no
09. are your parents still married – no
10. do you like someone right now- hmmmmmmm

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It was so nice today. I'm so glad that it is not raining any more and it is sunny. It is supossed to get even better which is amazing.
Honors Convocation was today and I got a SGA scholorship! yay. Imediatly after, maria, eric and I went to Framingham to the SAC meeting. It was long but I liked it because I got to know more about what is going on in other colleges in massachusetts.
We talked to the SGA president of Mount Wachusett. We're probably going to something with their SGA next year. I'm excited for that.

Going to bed soon, gonna try to get some sleep tonight so i can be good tomorrow for class/work/commitee meeting. I wanted to go out tonight but I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I could of because i'm so tired. I need a decent amount of sleep. I'm going to hit the hay very soon. Probably going to sleep in marissa's room because jen needs to write a paper tonight and i want to give her as little distraction as possible.

I want to go to the movies!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm currently home for the weekend. It so different, I haven't been home in a while. I do like it though because I can pretty much do what I want, sleep in until whenever because no one is around. I do only live with my mom, she makes me some fine scrambled eggs for breakfast. well it is lunch time but its breakfast for me.

Oh and friday I hung out with brandon. His friend Drew came from boston and we went to a show in Amherst. Came back to my house and went to bed, we all were pretty tired.

Yesterday my mom hung out; we went shopping at the mall, got me some new clothes. I got some awesome new shoes, their definitly phat. We went to faces also. I love going there and seeing all the new stuff that they have. It is just a great place to window shop, they have so many interesting things to look at/play with. I got some sunglasses and a cute head band. So after all this shopping, we went to Spoleto Express, of course. I got my usual plus some gorgonzola bread to take home for later. That restaurant is amazing. The food is so good and they make it so quick. THEN mom and I went to see the reaping. It sounded like a good movie but it was ok. A lot of it was about the bible, and I don't know much about it so I was confused. I wouldn't say it was a good movie either. It was a good day though hanging out with my mom.


Monday, April 9, 2007


Went to Marissa's for easter. It was fun. I got to meet her whole family! I got to see Vow and everyone. She didn't make any cookies ;( but it was quite alright because there was so much desert. It was so cold that day, i had flip flops on and my feets were cold.

I've been so busey lately that its kinda been frusterating. I haven't much time to just chill and do nothing. I have to make time for things like that. Elections are this week and maria is running for SGA president against Juan and its really intense. By the end of this week, we will find out who will be president. People could be really happy or frusterated depending on who wins. We'll see what happens. I also have to register for classes this week and I don't even have all my classes picked out because one of the classes that I picked was cancelled.
I am going home this weekend. I am excited for that. I get to see brandon, my mom and maybe yajaira. I haven't seen my mom in a long time. So this will be exciting.

There's a boy. I'm having fun. I like hanging out with him a lot. We'll see how this goes also. It makes me smile. :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

ah haha

SO last night was hilarious!!!!

I got back from studying in the library around 10:30. I got some posters from hammond and planned to make some election posters. But then I got high...(Afro man..haha). I didn't need anything to feel it. Damn. Marissa and Maria were both laughing up a storm. I was trying to make a poster and that was just not happening. I was really having a hard time thinking of what to do, so i ended up just giving up.
So while we were having a great time, we decided to go to the radio station to visit beardy. Maria doesn't want to go so after I get a bowl of cheerios and raisins, Marissa and I start walking to Thompson. The walk was cold and we saw loud drunk people on the way. We get there fine.
The radio station room was filled with all these amazing drawings and sayings. It was interesting. I decide to call Maria on the room phone and she tells me that she was just listening and could hear us in the background. She then tells me that she is going to leave in a few minutes and join us, but told me to not tell marissa. I say ok and hang up. Tom, Tim and Even come back from store 24 and sit down to eat with their computers.
Time flys by and no maria, so then i get a little scared, because it is late and there are some creepy people in fitchburg. So go to the next room and call her and she picks up and said she is going to leave now. I guess she was spacing out or something.
Maria shows up, Marissa is suprised and then matt plays a song that he played last week that I had liked. The song is so happy and upbeat. I love it. This night is amazing. Then Matt's radio shift ends and we all start to leave. The boys head towards Russell and we start walking towards Mara. On the way, Marissa pulls out one of Maria's condoms that she found was a little open, Maria takes it, spits on it and places it on a funny location on campus. I was laughing so hard, my abs hurt.
She then takes out some anger that we all have on our matainence guy and takes the mop near the front door and sticks it on the first floor bathroom door. That also make me laugh pretty hard.
Then the night ended and we all went to bed...with a smile.

I was good to have a fun night since I have been stressed so much lately. I have tons to do tonight, study, study, study.